Wednesday 8 June 2011

A Friend is

"Frends on that day will be foes one to another except those who have taqwa" (az-zukhruf:67)

what i want to highlight from this verse is that there will be two grups of frends on the day of judgement.those who are enemies of each other and those who have taqwa..they are true frends in the world..not just any frends,mind you, b'corz they were the best of frends..their frendship was built with the strenghth of love,honestly and loyalty...

Remember Saidina Umar's RA words?
  "until you travelled with them..until you traded with them..until u pass the night,asleep or with Qiyamullail..till then,you will not know them as ur true frend..."

yet,why will these good frends still blame each other on the day of account-ability??!

No,it will happen..otherwise,why would this  verse be revealed?

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